Porsche Track Experience

When you think of luxury cars one brand that is sure to come to mind is Porsche. This iconic company has been providing some of the very best vehicles on the market for decades, but has also been focused on providing a complete experience for their customers and followers.

Just last year the company opened the Porsche Sport Driving School, and this year have re-named it the Porsche Track Experience. “The main difference this year is that they’ve established higher levels,” says Patrick Saint-Pierre, the Public Relations Manager at Porsche Cars Canada Ltd. “A lot of people came in last year and actually would like to go to the next level, so they really want to hone their driving skills [and] the new programs within the program allow for that.”

Now along with the Warm-Up training that runs for half a day and their Precision program that runs for two days, you can also attend two-day programs for Performance and Master training.

Porsche Cars Canada Ltd. hosted an exclusive event for media representatives to come get a taste of what’s on offer with their new and improved experience. City Life’s very own co-founder and creative director, Fernando Zerillo, was in attendance.

This event not only provided the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals, but it gave participants the opportunity to sit inside some of Porsche’s renowned vehicles and give them a spin around the track at the Driver Development Track at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park.

“Track experience is about experiencing what a sports car [really is], what you can do with it, how you can heighten your driving capabilities,” says Marc Ouayoun, president and CEO of Porsche Cars Canada Ltd. The goal of this program is to allow drivers to attain their own goals while enhancing their driving skills, even in their day-to-day life.

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Drivers were able to go through various simulations that will help them hone their driving capabilities. For instance a skid-pad exercise where plastic was put over top of the back tires, simulating ice, as well as a precision course that has drivers got through a slalom style course and then drive straight ahead towards a very precious braking area in which they had to stop the car.

Driving is not all about going fast and making a mark, it is also about understanding your vehicle and what it can do as well as your own capabilities. “Testing the limits of your car and the driver can really help you out of some unpleasant, and even dangerous, road situations,” says Zerillo. “It’s not always about speed… we practiced best braking and avoiding techniques.”

Porsche is re-defining what it means to drive a car, as they not only provide luxury vehicles but also give their drivers an outlet through which they can truly be in touch with that car.

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Victoria Scott

Victoria Scott

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