The Cornerstone of Balancing Business and Home – Artistic Stone Design

Artistic Stone Design owners Mario Caravaggio and Christine Ferretti-Caravaggio, a husband and wife team, are proof that working together can lead to a successful business and a happy marriage.

Mario Caravaggio began working with tiles in his early teens, and when it was time for a change, working with stone was a natural fit. Soon after getting married, he and his wife Christine decided to start their own business, Artistic Stone Design (ASD).

ASD offers custom stone design for tasks large or small. Using high-quality materials alongside the latest trends, ASD provides quality craftsmanship for any project. Since the beginning, Mario and Christine have worked hard to build a reputation synonymous with superior presentation and exceptional service.

For the last 10 years, Mario and Christine have been working every day side by side, surrounded by a team of dedicated and passionate individuals. “From our fabricators, office staff, templators and installers, we are very fortunate to have the team we have,” Mario says.

“Knowing where each of us can take the lead is what makes our partnership so strong and balanced” — Christine Ferretti

A supportive staff is just one of the many keys to ASD’s success. For Mario, one of the biggest advantages of working alongside his wife is the trust they share. “Trust is never an issue. We’ve worked together for so long, at this point I would hate working without her,” Mario says.

“It’s easier to balance our home life because we really do work well together, at home and at work,” adds Christine. Christine also notes that having a strong dynamic together and as individuals is one of the advantages of working with her husband day in and day out.

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As with any venture, there are certain challenges that come with owning a successful business. Then, there are those challenges that come with owning a successful business as husband and wife. “It’s tough to leave work at work. There are times when you have to bring work home,” Mario says.

“We have no choice but to communicate, even when we don’t want to communicate, even when we are in a disagreement. Balancing home and business requires constant communication,” adds Christine.

At the end of the day, through professionalism and dedication, Mario and Christine strive to bring beautiful projects to life for the clients. According to Christine, their exceptional customer service is what separates ASD from their competition. Part of that exceptional customer service means that every client of ASD has a direct contact person for their project, ready to assist with any issues that may arise at a moment’s notice. Over the years, the satisfaction level of each ASD client has given Mario and Christine a very loyal following.

The solid partnership between Mario and Christine Caravaggio is what ultimately makes ASD such a prosperous business. “Knowing where each of us can take the lead is what makes our partnership so strong and balanced,” Christine says.

8550 Keele St., Concord, Ont.

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