Kleinburg Clinic For Plastic Surgery – Q & A with Dr. Guay

As a follow-up to his recent editorial, Dr. Nicolas Guay returns to City Life, answering readers’ questions to help people be prepared and stay safe during their plastic surgery journey.

With 20 years of experience in plastic and esthetic surgery, Dr. Guay’s patient-centred, open-communication approach has served his patients well, with great results. Following the news that many patients in our region were getting medical procedures in unsafe environments and travelling outside of the country for surgeries, Dr. Guay wanted to educate people about the possibilities close to home. By answering these questions, Dr. Guay hopes to give patients the tools to find plastic surgery options that are safe and secure.

Q. What should I expect from a consultation with a plastic surgeon?

A. During the consultation, it is important to ensure that you get a clear understanding of the limitations, risks and outcome of your desired surgery. An open and honest conversation with the surgeon about all options is the best way to select the procedure to achieve your goal. A consultation will also help you decide whether this is the right surgeon for you. I suggest that after our consultation, patients meet with me again a week later, so they have time to do research, think about our discussion and figure out if there are any other questions prior to moving forward.

Q. What surgery do you do most often?

A. After being in this industry for over two decades, there are very few procedures I have not done. Granted, some of the most common are breast and body-contouring surgeries. One of the most popular procedures I offer is what’s called a “mommy makeover.” This procedure includes a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift and/or augmentation.

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Q. What is the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?

A. The purpose of a tummy tuck is to remove excess skin from around the stomach and abdomen, which women may experience after pregnancy or weight loss. Liposuction addresses excess fat deposits within the body. It is specifically helpful to remove the fat in areas that can be difficult to remove with dieting or exercise.

Q. Can I have multiple surgeries done at once?

A. Often patients come to see a plastic surgeon with a list of desired surgeries. It is crucial for the patient to prioritize and keep the length of the procedure safe. Ranking your needs and starting small can also be helpful psychologically, as both allow you to come to terms with your changing body and reflect on how you react post-operatively. In some cases, as with the mommy makeover, doing multiple surgeries at once can be safe and effective.

Q. How can I make sure to optimize my post-operative results?

A. After surgery, rest is crucial to allow your body to heal. You will need to do so for about a week, and we encourage you to arrange for help during that time. Along with scar management, rest and following your surgeon’s directions concerning your level of activity are very important. Once the wound has healed, touching and massaging the area will help optimize the feel and look of your result.

Q. How do I know it’s the right time for me to have a surgery?

A. Once you have done your homework, selected your option and found your trusted surgeon, the right time for your surgery depends on three factors that stem from guilt: the time that it takes you away from your family, the financial guilt of spending money on yourself or the fear from the impending reactions from family and friends. Simply being aware of these factors and preparing before your surgery will help you better tackle the unavoidable emotional impact of an elective cosmetic procedure.

If you would like to learn more, visit Dr. Guay for a free consultation or send in your questions to to keep the discussion going in upcoming issues.

“Happy, healthy citizens are the greatest asset a community can have”

Kleinburg Clinic for Plastic Surgery
8 Kellam St., Kleinburg, Ont., L0J 1C0

Dr. N. Guay, B.Sc., MD, FRCS(C)

Since the release of this article, we regret to inform you of the passing of Dr. Nicolas Guay. Our deepest condolences go to the family. He was considered a trusted client and a friend by many and will always be remembered with great admiration.

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